Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tonight Could Be the Night!

Tonight could be the night in which a city becomes the best in the league. From streets of darkness to streets filled with Phillies Pride, tonight could be the night in which the Phillies could earn a shot at the greatest Fall Classic in all sports. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve cheered for them or how long you fallowed them this season tonight we are all united in Philly Pride. Who will be the hero of the night, will it be done with their bat or with their glove? Can the Phillies return to the World Series and a shot at immortality? Where legends are made and no one goes forgotten. The Goosebumps that we are all feeling and the tingle we get every time we see the clock get closer to the game start is a feeling that won’t go away. There is not doubt in my mind with Cole Hamels pitching and the eyes of the baseball world watching that its time for the Phillies to clame their second title of the year as the best in the National Leagues. But still have their eyes of the greatest title of all baseball, World Series Champion. SO tonight watch as we see our team take the field, cheer for them as you would if you were there live, trust me they can hear you. As you watch you shall see why the Phillies could be the best in the entire sport. GO PHILLIES, WE BELIEVE!

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